
(423) 888-4603

Storm Damage Insurance Claims

Cleveland Public Insurance Adjusters is an independent public adjusting company offering private insurance claim assistance to commercial and residential property homeowners facing a covered insurance loss due to fire, waterflood, mold, storm wind, hail, tornado, lighting, content loss damage claims in the Cleveland, Tennessee area.

insurance roof repair

Storm Damage Insurance Questions and Tips

  • When faced with a wind or storm damage insurance claim, it’s easy to end up confused. Unfamiliar obligations and industry jargon are only one aspect of an arduous process of assessing damage and receiving the claim you deserve. Follow these tips to ensure your claim stays on track from start to finish:

    • File the right type of insurance claim. An experienced public adjuster can help you interpret policy language and decide on the right type of claim for you.
    • Request a certified copy of your insurance policy from your insurance adjuster or agent.
    • Follow your post-loss duties and obligations as outlined in your policy.
    • Wait to restore or rebuild your property until you and your insurance company agree on the scope of loss of your storm damage claim.
    • Ask and any storm damage insurance questions you ask during the claim process and keep a detailed record of all points of communication with your insurance company.
    • Obtain a minimum of three independent storm damage estimates separate from your insurance company’s adjuster. A general contractor or public adjuster can help.
    • Demand a written explanation from your insurance company in the event that your storm damage claim has not been settled within 45 days of filing.
    • Contact an experienced public insurance adjuster if your storm damage claim has been delayed, underpaid or denied.

Public Adjuster Help for Storm Damage Insurance Claims

Following a major storm, most insurance companies mobilize an army of independent insurance adjusters to assess the scope of damage and expedite the storm damage claim process. These independent adjusters may be inexperienced, while policyholders are often unfamiliar with the insurance claim process, policy language and even the extent of damage on their property. All too often, these factors combined result in deficiencies in the final settlement of the storm damage claim.

A Thorough Investigation Is Necessary for Fair Settlement

Some types of storm damage, such as damaged roofs or windows, can be obvious, while others can be more difficult to identify, leading to the undervaluing of storm damage. Major storms also often result in heavy workloads and high-stress environments for insurance companies, leading to overlooked damage as providers rush to quickly settle claims and move on. All too often, this can result in low and unfair storm damage settlements.

Our team of storm damage insurance adjusters uses state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and methods to thoroughly substantiate storm damage claims. We will develop a comprehensive claim package that clearly demonstrates what your insurance company owes you rather than allowing the insurance company to dictate the claim process and settlement.

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 888 4603

Claim Cops Cleveland