Cleveland Insurance Claims Public Insurance Adjusters | Insurance Claims | Cleveland, TN Thu, 10 Nov 2022 00:09:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cleveland Insurance Claims 32 32 Roof Repair or Replacement Wed, 14 Jul 2021 16:13:18 +0000 The post Roof Repair or Replacement appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.


Roof Repair or Replacement

Cleveland homeowners have a common question about their roofs; repair or replacement? No one wants to pay for a complete roof replacement when all that was needed was a simple repair. On the other hand, no one wants to pay on a regular basis for small repairs that keep cropping up, when what they really need is a roof replacement. The one-time expense of a new roof will cut down on constant repairs, as long as you keep it maintained.

Knowing The Signs

When it comes to the debate of roof repairs or replacement there are a few factors to take into consideration; like, the age of your roof. The average roof that’s made of asphalt shingle lasts about 20 years, as long as it’s maintained well throughout those years. If your roof is nearing that age mark or past it, then that’s an indication that you might want to consider a complete roof replacement.

The damage your roof has sustained over time is also a good indicator of whether to replace it or not. If you have one, small leak, then roof repairs are the best option. However, let’s say that a major weather-related event has put several holes into your roof and has compromised its integrity? Trying to pay for the repairs of all those small leaks could be very expensive, when a one-time investment for a roof replacement might be the cheaper, and safer, option.

Roofing Pros

Homeowners tend to get a bit worried when it comes to the decision of roof repair or replacement because they think their roofing contractor will try to convince them to have a roof replacement when just a repair will do. That will never be an issue with the roofing contractors at Cleveland Insurance Claims; we are a reliable, dependable and trustworthy roofing company that will never talk you into paying more than you need to for any of your roofing needs.

Contact our experienced roofing contractors to schedule a roof inspection for your Cleveland home!

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 888 4603

The post Roof Repair or Replacement appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.

How Often Should A Homeowner Have A Roof Inspection? Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:22:17 +0000 The post How Often Should A Homeowner Have A Roof Inspection? appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.


How Often Should A Homeowner Have A Roof Inspection?

Most homeowners don’t realize just how important a roof inspection is. Nor do they have inspections as often as they should, and sometimes they wait to have someone check out their roof when they begin to suspect there’s a major problem. Major problems usually mean major money.

Regular roof inspections can help you find small issues before they become big ones, and potentially avoid unexpected and expensive repairs. Our public adjusters at Cleveland Insurance Claims provide thorough, high-quality roof inspections

How Often Should Roof Inspections Be Scheduled?

Roof Inspections should take place at least once a year. Ideally, they should be done twice a year, especially for older roofs. The spring and fall are the best times to have inspections completed because of the milder weather. That’s a good time to see if the harsher weather of winter precipitation or the blistering UV rays during the summer have caused damage to your roof.

  • Newer roofs shouldn’t be exempt from regular roof inspections because they aren’t immune to potential problems, and in fact, if you fail to maintain the proper maintenance on your new roof you could void the warranty.
  • Roof inspections should be completed after a major weather event, like extreme wind or hail. Weather can take a hefty toll on a rooftop and you need to act quickly after a major weather event to schedule an inspection. It’s always best to be safe than sorry!
  • Moss, black streaks, missing shingles or gutter damage are all signs that there are problems with your roof; it’s time to schedule an inspection to be sure.

Contact our experienced roofing contractors to schedule a roof inspection for your Cleveland home!

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 888 4603

Claim Cops Cleveland

The post How Often Should A Homeowner Have A Roof Inspection? appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.

Tips On Getting Emergency Roof Repairs After Storm Damage Sun, 27 Jun 2021 07:27:26 +0000 The post Tips On Getting Emergency Roof Repairs After Storm Damage appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.


Tips On Getting Emergency Roof Repairs After Storm Damage

Cleveland Claim The more you know what to expect after your roof gets damaged by a storm, the quicker you can spring into action to get the repairs you need. Storm damage is a time when all your neighbors will be trying to get emergency roof repairs as quickly as possible.

The local demand for emergency roof repairs will be at the highest after storms, which could mean that you aren’t able to find the immediate help you need to prevent further water damage to your house.

You can stay ahead of your competing neighbors and get emergency roof repairs in your area by reading the following tips from our experts at Cleveland Insurance Claims. Knowing what to expect in any given situation can make it much less stressful when you do need emergency roof repairs.

Read Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy About Roof Repairs

Be informed about what to expect from your insurance company before you ever need roof repairs.

Waiting until the time you do need emergency roof repairs is not an option if you want to make the storm recovery process as pain-free as possible. Read everything, including the fine print and consider calling them to ask about the claims procedure.

Hunt For A Roofer Now & Make Sure They Help With Insurance

Many local roofers who offer roof repairs after storm damage will help to guide you through the insurance process. Since we are a roof repair and restoration contractor, we know that this can help a homeowner significantly when they have an emergency.

Ask the roofer how involved they can get. For instance:

  • Will they meet with the insurance adjuster when they come to inspect the storm damage?
  • Can they perform a roof inspection for you?
  • What other exterior repairs are they able to provide?

Be Prepared For What May Happen After Storm Damage

Storm damage can send you looking for temporary shelter. It can, unfortunately, mean that you need your entire roof replaced if a tree or other object caused significant damage.

Many families suffer during this time, so it’s always good to get prepared with a good plan.

Just as you would want to get the family prepared for a house fire, make plans on what your family would do if your roof is storm damaged to the point that it’s necessary to leave the house.

We suggest:

  • Storing your insurance company’s phone number and the number of a roof repairs contractor where it’s easy to access.
  • Find out where your family could stay temporarily during the roof repairs and other exterior restorations. If necessary, store the phone number and addresses of local shelters.
  • Keep suitcases packed with extra clothes, flashlights, an emergency radio, food, and other emergency supplies.
  • Plan for emergency power needs. Even if your roof is not one that is damaged, the power could go out in your area.

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 888 4603

Claim Cops Cleveland

The post Tips On Getting Emergency Roof Repairs After Storm Damage appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.




When moisture causes water damage in dark areas of your home, it creates the perfect environment for mold growth. If your home has water damage, and there are signs of mold growth, you should schedule mold mitigation services from a mold restoration company as soon as possible.

A restoration contractor follows a step-by-step process of mold mitigation and restoration. We are trained and certified to perform specific tasks to extract the excess water from the home, dry it, remove damaged building materials and belongings, and then treat the mold growth so that the restoration process can begin.

Mold Mitigation

Mold mitigation is the first step in the process. We develop a plan and then update it if we discover additional growth during the mold mitigation process.

  • Identify excess moisture – Mold can grow in any location where excess moisture exists. It usually starts behind walls or in places where it is damp and dark. We perform a visual inspection to identify excessive moisture conditions. Special tools can identify moisture in hidden locations.
  • Assessment of the contamination – We develop a written plan with photographs, possibly video, and information on what the mold mitigation process will include and when it will begin.
  • Mold mitigation and cleanup – The process of mold mitigation continues with water extraction and drying. Vacuums extract the water, and we place fans and dehumidifiers to dry the affected area after they are isolated and exposed.
  • The damaged building materials and unsalvageable belongings are removed from the property.
  • The contractor treats the mold and mildew with an inhibitor solution that kills it at the roots and prevents new growth.

Once the mold restoration technician determines that we resolved the issue, we perform mold testing as a final step before the restoration process can begin.

Mold Restoration

Once the health condition of the environment is determined as safe, restoring the building materials can begin. Every situation is different, so the restoration process will vary depending on what was damaged and where.

For instance, you may have experienced flash flooding because of the weather. If so, the baseboards and lower drywall may need to be removed and replaced. On the other hand, storm damage may only affect the attic area and ceilings of your house.

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 888 4603

Claim Cops Cleveland

The post UNDERSTANDING THE MOLD MITIGATION AND RESTORATION PROCESS appeared first on Cleveland Insurance Claims.
