
(423) 888-4603

Wind & Hail Claims

Cleveland Public Insurance Adjusters is an independent public adjusting company offering private insurance claim assistance to commercial and residential property homeowners facing a covered insurance loss due to fire, waterflood, mold, storm wind, hail, tornado, lighting, content loss damage claims in the Cleveland, Tennessee area.

Hail Damage Insurance Claims

During a destructive storm, thunder, lightning, torrential rains, high winds or all of the above can occur. If hail is also present, your property can accrue extensive damage. Roof damage, window damage and destruction to structure siding commonly result from hailstorms. Despite this, hail damage claims are notoriously challenging to document and substantiate without the right approach and expertise.

Call us at (423) 303 0852 today or contact us online for help filing your hail damage claim. Our team of experienced public adjusters leverages experience and the most cutting edge roofing and weather technology to substantiate hail damage claims on behalf of our clients. Our claim adjusters work quickly and aggressively to win you the settlement you deserve, even in the case of a denied or underpaid hail claim by your insurance company.

Identifying Hail Damage to Roofs

When roofs are damaged by hail, it isn’t always obvious, making hail claims difficult to quantify since roof systems may appear undisturbed. To the untrained eye, these impacts may be imperceptible, making it all too easy for your insurance company to deny or dismiss your hail damage claim.

An experienced public adjuster knows that a thorough inspection can lead to loose granules that may compromise the integrity of the underlying roof system. The roof damage incurred from hailstorms may ultimately become obvious, but if too much time has passed since the original damage took place, it can be challenging to link your hail claim to the original storm.

This is precisely why our public adjusters and property damage appraisers make use of the latest roof and weather technology to substantiate and document hail damage roof claims. If you suspect that your home or business may have hail damage, you owe it to yourself to get a professional second opinion.

roof repair

When to Seek Help with a Hail Damage Claim

While anyone filing a hail damage claim can benefit from the help of a public adjuster, it’s imperative that you consult with a trusted and experienced adjuster if your insurance company has done any of the following:

  • Told you that damage to the roof is a result of natural wear and tear rather than hail
  • Agreed to only repair or replace specific parts of the roof
  • Denied your hail damage claim altogether
  • Otherwise treated you in a dismissive way

1510 Stuart Rd Suite 206 Cleveland TN, 37312

(423) 303 0852

Claim Cops Cleveland